CTE Art & Design + EFA Dance Collaboration
Artist Statement
CTE Art & Design + EFA Dance student cross-curricular collaboration with dance instructor Francesca Pileci to execute an Art + Dance student-led project inspired by world-renowned Chinese-American choreographer and painter, Shen Wei. CTE Art & Design students worked in partnership with EFA Dance students, under the guidance and instruction of Kellen Deau, to create a performative work where EFA Dance students danced to lyrical instrumental music in the studio while CTE Art & Design students provided paint and a surface to dance/paint on throughout the dance performance. This process was filmed and a video was produced to share during Art Hop as well. CTE Art & Design students cut the large piece into manageable pieces and embellished them with ink, marker, etc. to create a series of artwork that showcases a variety of pieces that will be exhibited side by side.