Kalamazoo County Public Art Commission & Pixel Stix
Artist Statement
Join us in the Westin Gallery to view artwork by seven local public artists in conjunction with the Kalamazoo County Public Arts Commission, which will unveil its Pixel Stix project! The PixelStix Platform is a stack of technologies built by PixelStix that turn any collection of murals into an interactive gallery. The Platform also provides essential mural analytics that reveal the value that murals bring a community. Patrick Hershberger will be in the Westin Gallery from 5-8pm to share more about the program and how it works!
In Kalamazoo we have a growing and vibrant public art collection which includes sculptures, murals, and interactive experiences. The Kalamazoo County Public Art Commission (PAC) was created by a joint “Urban Cooperation” agreement between the City of Kalamazoo, City of Portage and the County of Kalamazoo. The purpose of the Commission is to determine the best practices for the acquisition, installation, maintenance, and deaccession of public works of art. They oversee hundreds of pieces of public artwork, which includes indoor and outdoor sculptures, memorials/tributes, murals, and architectural detailing.