Aubrey Jewel Rodgers
Artist Statement
Aubrey Jewel Rodgers is multi-media artist, teacher and mentor in Kalamazoo, Michigan. She enjoys sharing her creative curiosity with people of all ages and backgrounds. Her art style is playful, whimsical, as well as mischievous when needed. Her work mixes traditional art mediums with technology and innovation to tell its own story.
Aubrey has been teaching at KVCC for over 15 years as an instructor, and is currently Chair of Applied Arts and Media Technologies. She did her undergraduate studies at Columbus College of Art and Design, where she received a Bachelor’s Degree in Time-Based Media Design. Her specialties are Video, Animation, Illustration, and Photography. Aubrey also went to Boston University where she received her Masters in Art Education.
When she’s not teaching, She is a mom to her favorite little human, Stella – and dog mom to the giant Muppet of a dog named Watson. Aubrey and her husband Patrick have been nerd-talking, game-playing, movie-going partners for over 8 years.
Feel free to play the “how long will Aubrey go without mentioning Star Wars” game per any conversation.